Type of Article

Types of article

Contributions falling into the following categories will be considered for publication:
Original article, Review article (commissioned), News and perspectives (commissioned), Editorial (commissioned), Brief communication, Correspondence, Letter to the editor. Please ensure that you select the appropriate article type from the list of options when making your submission. Authors contributing to special issues should ensure that they select the special issue article type from this list.

  1. Original Articles
    Original articles here are scientific reports of the results of original biomedical research. The text should be prepared with an abstract, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments, figure legends, tables, a summary, and up to 50 references.
  2. Review Articles
    In general, all the Review articles submitted to our journal should be done by invitation. They should be written with an abstract, a minimum of 3 keywords, up to 100 references, and a summary. We would like to consider starting the review process if CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) can be provided as support material.
  3. Other Submissions
  • Letters to Editor should be submitted in response to an article published in Biomedical Journal in the previous six months (three published issues). The text is limited to 300 words, with one table or figure (total) and up to 5 references.
  • News and perspectives are usually solicited by the editors. They should provide a brief review with a different viewpoint and emphasize the importance of the current research. The text is limited to 1000 words, with only one figure at the most.
  • Brief communications are for rapid publication of concise presentations of clinical or technical results or preliminary results in biomedical sciences. The text is limited to 1500 words, with an abstract containing no more than 150 words, a maximum of two figures or tables, and fewer than 20 references.
  • Correspondence includes brief comments, relevant communications, and short reports. The text is limited to 500 words, with a maximum of one figure or table and up to 5 references.